Maui Self-Defense

Empowerment Self-Defense Wonder Woman Photoshoot

YOU Have Power

YOU Just Forgot

YOU Owned It

I SEE YOU. The person who always does what they can to help others — always doing the “right” thing. The person who also does all they can to get by. Life took you on turns that became a rushing stream leading to a river that turned into an avalanche.

YOU Fell.

YOU Broke. At least you thought you did.

I SEE YOU. Trying to articulate your own unique poetry of physical movement and form.

I SEE YOU. Working up the Courage to Speak Up, Step Up, Speak Loud, Be Proud. You got this.

I SEE YOU. Assertive yet still scared. Assertive with voice slightly wavering.

I SEE YOU. Your Body, Your Choice.

I SEE YOU. Healing, Growing, Learning, Changing, a Metamorphosis in the Making.

I SEE YOU reclaiming your body, rejoicing, reveling in the love you never knew you had for yourself, and you do.



YOU Have Power 

YOU Just Forgot 

YOU Owned It

~Tasha Ina Church

I wanted to write this due to the state of life as a woman in this world. For a long time, I have written passionately in social media posts. Yet, I have not taken the time to write in this blog. What can I say? Life happens. We go through our day, cherishing tiny moments, focusing on the good, and appreciating what life has to offer. Believe me, when I say I am grateful for all that I have; for my family, my friends, my business, my contracts, and amazingly brave clients, and for those assisting me with my mission to Empower Hawaii (Bold statement. However, I was always told growing up to go big or go home.). There is a lot to be thankful for. AND. And I can still feel the anger, the rage, the sadness. I can feel my feelings wholeheartedly. Last week was a tipping point in the United States. Roe vs. Wade was overturned, and I see so many people cheering. They are cheering because they believe they are saving lives. However, I think of my life and my friends’ lives - Brave women working to change the world. I look at our value beyond being an incubator for a baby. I do not have children. I DO NOT WANT THEM AT THIS TIME. I see many women who did not want motherhood. They wanted other things. Motherhood is a gift for those who wish that path. However, that is their path and their journey, their CHOICE as it should be. I CHOSE my business to be my baby, and I have loved and cherished it dearly. I go above and beyond for it. I invest in it. Because I believe that I have the right to be as I am - a business owner. I CHOSE my partner and my family and financial stability. I CHOSE to keep my body as it is without alteration. I CHOOSE ME. I Will Always Choose What Is Right For ME. I Hope You CHOOSE YOU Too.


So You Were The Victim & Now YOU ARE Exhibiting Abusive Behavior…Let’s Talk About It


Self-Defense Classes for Women