Iyémote, Strives for Empowerement (Stó:lō name)
Tasha Ina Church
Founder of ElleLiveAction
Tasha Ina Church, Iyèmote (Strives for Empowerment from the Stó:lō Nation) is an indigenous female entrepreneur, course creator, author, podcaster, blogger, and is the founder/owner of ElleLiveAction. Her Empowerment Coaching business aids clients in removing barriers in life, offering empowering strategies, so they can be their own hero. With 25 years of experience in the field, Tasha is a force, creating positive change within her communities and on a global scale. She has served over 13,500 students since Spring 2022, in 132 countries who speak 37 languages worldwide. Tasha teaches Self-Care, Self-Healing, Self-Empowerment, and Empowerment Self-Defense.
Tasha’s first experience with self-defense training was Warrior Spirit with Jeff Alexander, (who was the trainer for Rocky). She also trained in multiple styles of Martial Arts and currently studies Aikido through Berkshire Hills Aikido trained by Ron Ragusa & Mary C. Eastland. The trainings provides individuals with tools needed to prevent violence before it starts and to interrupt violence when it is happening and to act if needed.
Tasha was born and raised in Washington state with two teachers for parents. Her mother was adopted by an elder Medicine Woman and Traditional First Nations Healing of the Stó:lō Nation. They traveled all over the US and Canada doing Indigenous Healing Work. Tasha believes in self-healing and teaching the tools needed to survive and thrive in this life. She teaches in Washington State and Hawaii, as well as doing online trainings globally. She is one of a kind!
Tasha was trained by Arlene Limas, the 1st Olympic Gold Medalist in Tae Kwon Do & trainers who taught both the military and the police force in the United States, along with protester safety. Her previous ESD Mentors were Antonella Spatola, an Intuitive Wing Chun Kung Fu Instructor, an ESD Empowerment Instructor, and Behavioral Health Therapist & Sheila Watson, 4th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and owner of Iron Fan Martial Arts.
Tasha co-founded an in-school and after school empowerment program, built her own curriculum for middle school and high school girls, focused on self-esteem, body image, and self-defense training. Reaching over 2,000 girls in schools, she has since expanded her programming to work with both youth and adults ranging from 3-92 years old. She has published eight online course and piloted her most recent course at the Kamehameha Private School in Makawao, Hawaii, working with middle schoolers. The course received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Tasha serves the deaf, blind, differently abled and all genders. She values and appreciates diversity and loves supporting people from all walks of life and believes in the importance of supporting people in finding or rediscovering their voice, tapping into their power, and elevating themselves to their next level.
Most Recent Certifications
Tasha Ina Church’s most recent certification was in Somatic EMDR Therapy. She is in the process of getting her Somatic Teaching Certification through the Workout Witch. For Empowerment Self-Defense, she is one of the only people globally with a Level-4 Certification in Empowerment Self-Defense, along with Nationally Certified in ESD through the National Women’s Martial Arts Federation, & holding her credential (ESDP) through the Association of ESD Professionals. What is a credential? Think of the Bar Exam for attorneys. For Empowerment Self-Defense professionals, there is an exam through an associated body to show that you understand the basic and intermediate fundamentals of our industry. Additionally, she has over 50 hours of training in IMPACT through IMPACT Global and IMPACT Personal Safety.