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Empowerment, Self-Care, &

Empowerment Self-Defense - Online & In-Person Classes for Women & Girls

Maui Self-Defense and Empowerment Company Teaching Globally


Bestselling Books in Women’s Health, Personal Transformation, Alternative Medicine Healing, Journaling, and Safety & First Aid.
Tap the one for you below!

Empowerment goes beyond physical safety. It is understanding that YOU have a VOICE and that voice has POWER — It’s about knowing that in any fight; physical, psychological, or emotional, YOU are Worth Fighting For!

Aloha & Welcome!

Find out why over 13,500 people since April 2022, in 129 countries & 34 languages invested in ElleLiveAction courses, workshops, trainings, & private coaching.

ElleLiveAction is an Empowerment company on Maui in the Hawaiian Islands. We offer empowering strategies to emerging leaders, so they can be their own hero. This business was created to provide a safe and brave space for women and girl to learn holistic skills in Violence Prevention, to learn how to navigate violence when it is happening, & heal from violence after the unspeakable has occurred. It has grown and encompasses a safe space for all.

We help students and participants in finding their voices (or re-claiming them), drawing on their own strength, speaking their truth, and asserting themselves when needed. We teach a curriculum that encompasses Violence Prevention Strategies and Game-Based Learning activities. In the end, we teach Women & Girls when to Lean In, when to Fight Back and that they are Worth Fighting For. If you are dealing with Barriers in Life, join me for an Empowerment Coaching Session! Have staff needing Professional Development Trainings or who needs Violence Prevention Tools, let’s connect! Our Empowerment Self-Defense Trainings are for Females & All Other Genders address how to deal with Adverse Situations.

This video was made in 2018. Since then, the wording has changed from “This is what you should do” to “This is what you could do.” Empowerment Self-Defense and Women’s Empowerment is all about choice.

Aloha from Maui and Welcome Folks!

I am Tasha Ina Church, Founder & Owner of ElleLiveAction. Mahalo for visiting!

You are an investment if you didn’t already know. It is time to understand that and to act upon that belief. It is about your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing, creating safe spaces & brave spaces for yourself to live your best life, creating a thriving environment so you can be the architect of your world! Empowerment Coaching has allowed me to give you the opportunity to receives advocacy within your life, someone to listen, and find the best way to aid you on your journey. I have worked with a wide range of clients aiding in removing barriers which they feel have held them back from being their true selves.


As a survivor, there are many reasons I do this work. However, there was a moment when I realized I needed to make a curriculum catered to women and girls. It was a night at a ballroom. You see, that night I was roofied, I was taken, & I had to fight for my life. To read the full story, click HERE.

Empowerment Self-Defense & Maui Self-Defense

The EMPOWERED Hour Podcast


Empowerment Self-Defense

Coaching Certification

Your Voice Has POWER! Accredited!


Private Individual / Group Coaching

Re-gain Your Confidence in YOU

Empowerment Self-Defense (ESD) is one avenue for training I do with clients. ESD is a method of violence-prevention, educating women dealing with adverse situations. ElleLiveAction is here to Educate, Elevate, Advocate, and to Empower Women and Girls, along with other vulnerable communities! These trainings, private sessions, workshops, and public speaking engagements bring together people from all walks of life and address troubling issues that need to be voiced. People all over the world are dealing with adverse situations everyday, some escalating to violent attacks. Empower Self-Defense training is a 50-year Evidence-Based practice most have an idea of, yet not nearly as many as we would like have experienced it first-hand. In addition to this awareness, I also get how triggering the topic of defending oneself can be. I have talked to so many people throughout Maui, who have shared with me that they don’t believe they need to learn self-defense as if this knowledge is to prevent future attacks solely. While preventing future assaults is a part of my work and mission, having an understanding of self-defense is for so much more than that alone!

With that being said, I am always going to Advocate for Preventative Measures, Empowerment, & Empowered Healing. Learning the skill of self-defense serves other vital purposes as well that I believe all people would benefit from. With this knowledge comes a responsibility for me to share and spread the word.

This image of my ElleLiveAction Empowerment Self-Defense booth is from the Maui Marathon

self defense coach



With Empowerment Self-Defense Training

I.M. power

Whether you're an existing Life Coach and you want to add EMPOWERMENT and SELF-DEFENSE tools to your coaching toolbox OR you are interested in self-defense and would LOVE to teach it to others, you will LOVE this Empowerment Self-Defense Life Coach Certificate!

Looking at common attacks people have to face, I pulled the moves that were effective while wearing everyday clothing and that were practical to create workshops and courses which I know to be effective and has saved lives.

This course has been broken down to show how I teach multiple types of attacks:

  • Wrist grabs

  • Lapel grabs

  • Strangleholds

  • Hair grabs

  • Behind the back

  • Against the wall

  • Against the floor

For each type of attack, you will learn multiple self-defense counter attacks, however the course goes beyond that. Additionally, self-defense is more than just attacks and counters. It is more than just physical responses and moves. It is also your situational, social, and emotional awareness. It is about learning how to set clear boundaries and how to de-escalate situations before they start. I pulled some of my best tools, strategies, and choices to create this course.

We will go over:

  • Self-empowerment

  • Boundary setting

  • De-escalation

  • Safety planning

  • Situational, social, and emotional awareness.

Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 10 CPD/CEU credits are available upon request.

Teaching Self-Defense isn't just about teaching physical moves. It is understanding that YOU have a VOICE and that voice has POWER and it deserves to be heard. This is important for clients and students to know. It is about preventative action and empowering yourself to know that in any fight, be it physical, emotional, or psychological, YOU ARE WORTH FIGHTING FOR!

Follow me on social media for ongoing content surrounding Empowerment Self-Defense classes for Women & Girls on Maui, Online, and Globally. I have a weekly series through Instagram (on @ElleLiveAction), sharing women’s stories and their journey towards empowerment.


“I signed up for this workshop out of fear, and I left there with not only the tools I needed but also with a choice to no longer be a victim. I was surprised at how simple it was to execute several ways to protect yourself from so many different scenarios, as I was under the false impression that it would be harder than it really was (physically). From the information, techniques, and comradery that happened naturally, I can wholeheartedly say that it was a genuine experience that changed my life. Until I was going through the motions myself, I hadn't been aware of how nearly anyone is subject via anatomy, to these defenses, no matter how dominating their size may be.”

“You can tell that the instructor Tasha, has a passion for what she is teaching, and aims to guide you as you learn to empower yourself. I got the online course so that I could keep practicing, and I had to put this training to use, barely two months later and I cannot express how grateful I am to have had the confidence I needed to get through that moment and to stand up for myself.”

“The training not only affects me physically, but it has had a positive impact on my mind and emotions. Taking the action to sign up, show up, and remain diligent in building muscle memory has been one of the most valuable decisions I have ever made and I don't have enough words to share my appreciation for what Tasha has given my life with the ElleLiveAction classes. I am thrilled to be attending another and continue training around such amazing people with the same goal for a better, safer, and empowered life!” ~R.C.

In my Online Self-Defense classes or in-person classes for females near me, students learn how to understand that fear can be our intuition sending us messages. In workshops and trainings on Maui in the Hawaiian Islands, along with in Washington State and globally, I take my clients beyond a place of FEAR and aid them, giving them the tools to tap into Their Own POWER.


Want Quotes by Women for Women?


Want to know more about Empowerment, Self-Defense, Boundaries and more?

Statistical Data to Know!

Learn some valuable statistics to share with your community.

Empowerment Self-Defense

Curious about up-to-date Empowerment Self-Defense classes? You can check out our services page. Also, if you are on Maui or in the Hawaiian Islands, you can find ElleLiveAction on the internet by searching for Online Self-Defense Classes for Females, Online Empowerment Self-Defense Course, email and/or call to join the next Empowerment Training.


At ElleLiveAction, I Empower Individuals & They In Turn Go Out & Empower Others With Self Defense Training Near me Services!

Values: Educate.Elevate.Advocate.Empower

Mission: Give Others a Voice, Aiding Them in Taking Bold Action, Draw on Their Own Strength, Speak Their Truths, Trust and Assert Themselves When Needed. Teaching Them When to Lean In, When to Fight Back and That They Are Worth Fighting For.