Are You FEARless?

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ~ Audre Lorde
The last year has been a unique journey of challenge, facing those challenges and reaping the rewards. I’m grateful for the process. The more I have taken bold moves the more in alignment I have felt with my work, clients and calling. As I continually push the bar higher, I worry less about missteps, the fumbles, the setbacks, and the challenge. I see them all as lessons to be learned. What if you looked at life this way? Would you continue to use as much negative self-talk or emotionally beat yourself up as badly? I don’t think so. I’ve learned that having that feeling of fear can be a good thing. Having feelings of fear can be a warning, it can be your body giving you a signal and trying to make you more aware. It’s communicating with you. What can happen with fear though, is we let it rule over us, we allow it to consume us, we get stuck in a constant state of fear, worry, and anxiety. This is not healthy.

I remember when I realized, I first had a stalker. My mind raced, I continuously looked over my shoulder. It was hard to separate from my fear. It was vitally important at that time for me to think clearly. Through years of practice, training, and study, I was able to acquire tools and strategies which would support me in processing through fearful moments. Some of those strategies which helped me at the time and throughout my life are:

  • Remember your breath! Your breath and your connection to self! They are what help you to really delve deep within your diaphragm and find your voice!

  • Ask yourself what you are afraid of. If you are aware of fear in your life it will be easier for you to navigate those fears as you move through your day-to-day and it will get easier for your to maneuver when you are confronted with an adverse situation. Part of the problem is actually admitting that such fear exists within our lives. It is a bold step to admit we are afraid and bolder still to explore that fear to seek the root cause, looking even further for a solution.

  • You have to be okay with losing. Our fear of failure is huge. It prevents several people from following their passions, answering their call to service, and/or just from experiencing joy fully. If people who have experience trauma start to feel joy, some experience a dread and worry that something bad is just around the corner…but what if it wasn’t? What if you could experience joy, success, love, and happiness but in order to get there, you had to go through the trials and tribulations.

  • Think critically about whatever you are afraid of. Question scenarios from different angles. Look at life differently.

  • Remember gratitude. Sometimes we get into a muddy puddle of fearmongering and it spirals. This can prevent you from fully exploring the parts of your life that are going well. In essence, you may be stealing your own joy. (Noted: If you are, stop that! You are worth getting to the other side!)

  • Seek mentors and surround yourself with humans that appear to have overcome fear in areas that you may have it. Or, just look for people who you see as being fearless! Pick their brain.

  • Be a lifelong learner! We are all learning, growing, and have to embrace the journey, even the struggle, cause struggles happen but learning continues on and from that learning comes your wins!

  • Remember to look at life as though you are peering through a microscope. Look at life as a whole system. Take a peek at all the moving parts. Where are you succeeding? How are you accomplishing those successes? Repeat that process!

  • Sometimes you just have to throw your hands up and surrender! I have done this before when everything seemed to be going wrong in life. I realized that all just needed time to fall apart so the pieces could fall together again!

  • When in doubt, go back to your self-care routine. Morning routines are great! I use them daily!

  • Lastly, if you are questioning it all, find a quiet place, ask one question at a time, and focus on being present. Feel the air, breathe in the scents, listen for the wind, the rain, the ocean, the familiarity of family, friends, or other noises which bring comfort. This is a moment to look within and trust that you will honor yourself by doing so.

So when I asked, “Are you FEARless?” I’m not asking if you live a life without fear. I ask if you FEAR-Less. Fear can be our greatest teacher, it is a way of allowing us to learn and grow as humans. So, if this was a revelation, share! If you do this already, go you! Share your win in being #FEARless!

Should you want more support please contact me at


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