Feel Good Running: Female Runner’s Safety
Feel Good Running explores different aspects of running with the broader running community across the United States. I have taught runners safety for over 7 years now and believe there is so much runners really should know to ensure they are able to run feeling and in a safe environment. It’s unfortunate that female runners need to take more precautions than men, but when learning safety tools and choices, runners can take charge of their experience.
Maui Marathon 2019
Sometimes it is hard to stay motivated but running gives you the freedom of movement, to feel the wind in your face the ground beneath your feet. When I am running, I am connected to everything! This was a wonderful opportunity to do seminars at the Maui Marathon Expo. I was excited to share runner safety tips with individuals from all over the United States and Canada. Plus, I love building an empowered community!
Understanding your power is key! Many of the runners I worked with at the expo did not realize just how powerful they were and believe me, their strength was surprising. Understand that you are powerful beyond measure if you only open your mind to believing it is possible!
From Powerhouse Gym 8-Week Series
Runners Safety Tips
Eight Rules All Runners Should Know: Female Runner Safety Tips
1) Run Using The One or None Rule
We all love listening to the good cuts, especially when we are working out. I’m not gonna lie, I love it too! Here is the problem. You aren’t aware. Especially, if you’re running. When you have loud music blaring in your ears, you can't hear a potential attacker come up behind you and it also slows your reaction time. More over, what if there is a car, a curb, or a strange animal in your path. There are several reasons to pay attention. Don’t tune out. If you want to listen to music, or in my case Audible books, use the 1 female runner safety rule or None Rule! One earbud in, the other one out. If that’s too hard, don’t wear headphones.
2) Know your Routes (That’s right, plural)
Why? If the wrong people know your routine, you are out at a disadvantage. If you know your routes, you know where to run if you find yourself in a bind. You know the possible pitfalls.
3) All the Worlds a Stage, All the Men & Women Merely Players
If dealing with an attacker & you’re near people, you want an audience! The more people, the less likely that person is to attack, the more likely you are to get help! So start making a ruckus!
4) No, No! Fire! Fire!
What do you yell if someone is attacking you! It all depends. If you yell “Hell No!” You have not done anything wrong. Yelling NO & stating a boundary is important. If you are near a place that may have people, yell fire! It brings a crowd and camera phones! Everyone wants a picture of this crazy fire! Plus, you’ll have evidence of the attack and can better ID your attacker. I tend to stray away from profanities, as that can escalate a situation. To each their own.
5) Want A Shrubbery?
No! Try to stray away from running near shrubbery, hedges, trees, etc. Attackers may be lingering or lurking around.
6) Alarm!
There are Runner Personal Alarms that are heard up to 1000 ft. or a 300M range. There is one by Sabre on Amazon. Also use your voice as a tool if you should come in contact with an attacker! Speak with confidence, power, and eye contact! You can also use a rape whistle.
7) Follow the Light
It's important to go to well lit places! If you are running, try running in a well lit area. If someone is attacking you, run to a well lit location where you will be better visible to people who could help you!
8) A Person Is Only As Good As Their Weapon
We often freeze because we do not see options. When you practice looking around you, you can suddenly see many options that could be utilized as a weapon. Your greatest weapons will always what your body provides. However, look around you for items you can use as weapons. If you are going to use keys, put them in your hand and wrap all fingers around them though. Do not interlace them. This can lead be problematic and can lead to someone bending the key around your finger when striking them. Did you know it only takes 8-pounds of pressure to break someone's kneecap? Yep! And if you break someone's clavicle, they no longer have use of their arm. Hint, Hint, Wink, Wink.
9) Strength in Numbers
There is strength in numbers. If you want to run with friends, runners groups or a pet, all of these are helpful when wanting to stay safe. If you want to be the lone ranger you can let people know where you are, keep a phone on you or download an app which will allow friends or family to know where your location is. Part of the process of empowerment is having choices and addressing those accordingly.
10) Run Tall and Stand Strong
It is important to remember to have shoulders back, head high, and be aware of your surroundings. Be a Force. Remember that predators are looking for an easy target.
11) Forget the Road Less Traveled
If you are running, stay on the path. Also vary up your path. If you have a stalker they may see that you have a set route, so have multiple options.
12) Know Some Moves
The most important among all female runner safety tips is learning self-defense. It is a skill that everyone should do. No one is above it, doesn't matter how big, strong, or fast you are. So look into local self-defense courses. Or go to my online self-defense classes or course and get the runners discount HERE: www.udemy.com/warriorwomyn/?couponCode=RUNNINGWARRIORS
For more on runners safety visit: www.rrca.org