The self-discovery and empowerment workbook guide to transform your retreat experience and propel you toward a life of purpose and connection.

epowerment retreat

“Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide" is the solution you need for a truly transformative and empowering retreat experience.

This workbook—jam-packed with self-assessments, self-care tools, boundary-setting techniques, and trauma-informed practices—is everything you need to elevate your self-discovery journey and embrace a more empowered life.

empowerment you

This workbook is for you if you're ready to unlock your potential and embrace self-empowerment.

  • Self-Assessment Tools: Perfect for those who want to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and unique qualities, allowing you to better understand yourself and your empowerment journey.

  • Comprehensive Self-Care Practices: Ideal for individuals seeking effective techniques to maintain well-being, manage stress, and cultivate self-love.

  • Empowerment Strategies and Community Building: Designed for those who aim to build stronger relationships, set healthy boundaries, and create a supportive network.

Enter Your Review

After completing "Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide," you will have:

  1. Developed a Deep Understanding of Yourself
    Explored your values, strengths, and desires through insightful self-assessments.

  2. Created a Solid Self-Care Routine
    Crafted personalized self-care strategies that support your mental and emotional well-being.

  3. Established Healthy Boundaries
    Learned techniques to confidently say "yes" and "no" to create more balanced relationships.

  4. Fostered a Supportive Community
    Discovered ways to build and maintain an empowerment tribe to uplift and inspire you.


Get Empowered with "Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide"

Unlock your self-discovery and empowerment journey for just $35.


“Yes indeed. Recovering from abusive marriage, so very helpful, finding my voice.”

~Demettriss P.

“The stories grounded my recognition of ways I did not take care of myself. The stories also validated good ways I have taken care of myself. I also appreciate the simplicity of tools shared. There something very gentle about the explaination of them and the ease of doing the worksheets. Thank you.”

~Denise G.

This is one of a series of three workbooks that can work for anyone who wants to develop their full power no matter their age or feelings of empowerment. For me at age 75, looking back, what a blessing these materials would have been for me at any point in my life. Now they are very relevant, and provide me loads of training and insight for self-care, safety, de-escalation of hostile or stressful situations, and even for strengthening memory.
These workbooks are for anyone who wants to tap into their personal power and have the courage to live the life they choose.

~Norma D.

Here's what you'll find in "Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide":

  • Comprehensive Self-Assessment Tools
    Explore your inner self and gain insights into your strengths, values, and areas for growth.

  • Daily Empowerment Routines
    Start each day with motivation and positive energy, setting the tone for success and personal growth.

  • Custom Self-Care Strategies
    Learn practical techniques to maintain your mental and emotional well-being, reducing stress and promoting self-love.

  • Healthy Boundary-Setting Techniques
    Master the art of saying "yes" and "no" to build stronger, more balanced relationships.

  • Trauma-Informed Practices
    Understand trauma responses and acquire skills to navigate and heal from past experiences.

  • Supportive Community Building
    Discover ways to create an empowerment tribe that offers ongoing encouragement and inspiration.

  • De-Escalation and Stress-Relief Techniques
    Gain effective strategies for managing conflicts and staying calm under pressure.

Plus, Get This Bonus...

  • 20% Off a Self-Empowerment Course
    When you purchase "Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide," receive a 20% discount on a related self-empowerment course. Dive deeper into your personal growth journey with additional guidance and practical exercises designed to strengthen your self-awareness and confidence.

Available to anyone who purchases between June 7-17 (or whatever)

  • Norma D.

    This is one of a series of three workbooks that can work for anyone who wants to develop their full power no matter their age or feelings of empowerment. For me at age 75, looking back, what a blessing these materials would have been for me at any point in my life. Now they are very relevant, and provide me loads of training and insight for self-care, safety, de-escalation of hostile or stressful situations, and even for strengthening memory.

    These workbooks are for anyone who wants to tap into their personal power and have the courage to live the life they choose.

  • Strawberry Hoam

    Heading out on a solo weekend retreat is something I have always wanted to do. This summer I am finally doing it. My personal get-away will include this workbook. There are a ton of great tools and journaling excercises that I can use to explore my personal story and clarify my intentions. Excited to try this out!

  • MdmMacabre

    This is an excellent self-assessment workbook to help you develop a stronger understanding of yourself. My favorite parts are the sections on boundary-setting and self-care practices. This is ideal for anyone looking to increase their overall well-being, reduce stress, and live a better life.

Get Empowered with "Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide"

Unlock your self-discovery and empowerment journey for just $35.

Meet the Author

Tasha Ina Church, Iyèmote (Strives for Empowerment from the Stó:lō Nation) is an indigenous female entrepreneur, course creator, author, podcaster, blogger, and the founder/owner of ElleLiveAction. Her Empowerment Coaching business aids clients in removing barriers in life, offering empowering strategies, so they can be their hero.

With 23 years of experience in the field, Tasha is a force, creating positive change within her communities and on a global scale. She has served over 12,000 students since Spring 2022, in 123 countries who speak 35 languages worldwide.

Iyémote’s training and certifications cover multiple styles and backgrounds. She is Credentialed in Empowerment Self-Defense through the Association of ESD Professionals and is certified through the National Women’s Martial Arts Federation in Empowerment Self-Defense. She is Trauma-Informed trained & has her Level 4 certification through ESD Global. Iyémote has trained in Psychological First Aid through Johns Hopkins University and has her BA in Clinical Psychology. Additionally, she has Warrior Spirit Training with Jeff Alexander, (who was the trainer for Rocky) and trained in multiple styles of Martial Arts. She currently studies Aikido through Berkshire Hills Aikido trained by Ron Ragusa & Mary C. Eastland. The training provides individuals with the tools needed to prevent violence before it starts to interrupt violence when it is happening and to act if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • "Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide" is designed for anyone seeking self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment. It is ideal for retreat facilitators and participants.

  • The workbook includes a variety of self-assessments, activities, and self-care strategies that can be used individually or as part of group sessions during a retreat.

  • Absolutely! The workbook is versatile and can be used as a standalone guide for self-reflection and empowerment, regardless of whether you're attending a retreat.

  • The workbook covers a range of topics, including self-assessment, self-care, setting boundaries, trauma-informed practices, and building supportive communities.

  • Yes, "Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide" is available in both print and digital formats, allowing you to choose the version that suits your preference.

  • When you purchase "Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide," you'll receive a 20% discount on a self-empowerment course, providing an opportunity to deepen your journey toward empowerment.

Now is the time to embrace self-empowerment. Invest in "Empowerment Retreat: Workbook Guide" today!

For just $35 you can start your journey toward a more empowered life.

Have you heard about our Self-Care Academy?

  • Coaches often dive neck deep into the fold without laying a foundation for themselves as coaches and business owners. When they do this, they are not able to be the best coaches they can be because they are often spread too thin.

    Having the right self-care practice allows coaches to thrive in their lives, in their work, in their finances and their impact.

  • Throughout this six week experience, you’ll learn self-care tools and techniques you can use for yourself AND that you can teach your clients including:

    • Somatic movements and bilateral stimulation

    • Trauma recovery techniques

    • Stress and reduction practices

    • EMDR activities to support self-healing

    • How to implement positive habits

    • Boundary setting techniques

    • A processing methodology to work through challenging emotions

    Personally, you will also:

    • Create your own self-care routine

    • Increase your productivity without stress and burnout

    • Learn how to ground and come back into balance after responding to adversity and challenges

    • Make progress on the business and marketing side of your coaching business

    • Six weeks of self-care coaching with Transformation Academy Coach, Tasha Church

    • Your personalized self-care strategy to maximize your energy and effectiveness with clients

    • Experiential practices you can repurpose for your own clients

    • Breakout rooms and practice sessions with fellow students

    • Lifetime access to all call replays